This is going to be a quick one because after the longest day ever of complaining about it being the Longest Day Ever I realized I could've been spending my downtime writing today's blog. But of course I spent it complaining and now it's almost time to go. So, I'm going to just write a quick list of things I love today. If you have any interest in any of those topics I could possibly write a longer post at some indeterminate point in the future to talk about said topic in more detail. Okay, here we go:

  • BEDA Buddies
  • ARCs of good- scratch that GREAT- books
  • reading instead of watching tv
  • baking cakes at 10pm
  • Philadelphia
  • having my honor defended
  • people complimenting my shoes
  • having 'fans'
  • cake decorating class
  • hanging out with Eileen and Mike (aka M & E)
  • seeing my sister even though she's in lots of pain (wisdom teeth :/)
  • the finale of Here Come the Newlyweds
  • a good though bit unnerving dream
  • finally having a conversation on the phone with my mom
  • the best hamburger ever
  • the Onion
  • and leaving work early :D
Which I'm about to do, leave early that is, so it's off to Cake Decorating class for me. We're going to create some creepy clowns I think. And Autumn I will try to finish Fire and get it in the mail to you tomorrow!



Becky Jean said...

I'm glad you've liked Fire so far. Hopefully your longest day ever leads to a less long day tomorrow!

Jessica said...

cake decorating??? whatatatata? and, i miss you! and, i should start blogging again.