This Friday, aside from it being Halloween, I have 2 papers due for one of my classes. Since I also have Halloween in the Park on Thursday and a TAG meeting yesterday I knew I wouldn't have a lot of time this week to work on them. So I vowed to get them done this weekend. On Saturday I estimate I did homework for 10 hours! I don't think I've ever focused on homework that long. It was insane. I finished all the homework do for one class (which was much more than normal), and one of the papers for the other. I took Sunday off, since Monday was my day off. I spent Monday (after I voted, of course!) working on the second paper which I finished around 4. Then I was free to paint!

I painted a hubcap I started working on a few weeks ago and it totally made my day. I hadn't felt that sort of satisfaction in a looong time. It was wonderful.I can't wait till I have more time to paint and do other creative things without feeling guilty for avoiding homework. :)

It's turned cold here which also makes me so happy. I love walking in the morning with Queenie in my TCU hoodie while my breath comes out in white puffs. Beautiful.