Hi all,
Some of you are enjoying Spring Break (teacher style) while others have returned from exotic locales (Jessica style). On the other hand, us librarians are still hard at work, and unfortunately don't even have kids to hang out with--so it's like we have real jobs for a change! :P Horrible, I know.

To keep you up to date, this past week we in the j(uvenile) department began figuring out what prizes we'll be giving out for the Summer Reading Club, which was really exciting, in the past, some of the gifts have been cool(AM/FM radio walkman) and others have been lame (dinosaur glider). But basically I'm just excited about helping choose the prizes themselves. Anyway among the prizes this year are cowboy rubber duckies, gel bracelets (i.e. "Live"strong/Awakening bracelets) that say READ in 8 languages, balloon powered race cars, and free Astros tickets. On Saturday I spent a large portion of the day creating the brochure for the YA and Tween summer programs. I came up with 3 different variations and I really like 2 of them.

Yesterday we got to go to mass as a whole family because Katie was home and then we (minus dad) went shopping because, if Nick (who's name is Captain Oblivious for a reason) notices that your clothes are falling off, you need to go shopping. Along with jeans that won't be falling off anytime soon, I also found some awesome sunglasses and a really cute hat that makes me feel like a flapper. Then we went to Javier's BBQ where the 3 of us sat around and attempted to understand all of the Spanish conversations going on around us, which we could..some of the time. :) But I had to leave early to lead rehearsal for live Stations of the Cross with a bunch of hyper high schoolers, some of whom didn't know who Simon of Cyrene and Pontius Pilate were..but overall it went well.

So that was the weekend for the most part. It was enjoyable. Hope yours was good too!


Amber said...

I want to come to your library and win a dinosaur glider. Don't be dissin' on the dinos.

God bless America, I miss you!!! :)

(Do you like how I incorporated your saying??)