
9:38 AM | 3 Comments

Okay, I need your help! Please disregard the annoying ads. I may be moving to a new blog site soon.

Anyway, I just got a new pair of Converse/Chuck Taylors/Chuckie-Ts (my latest favorite name for them, as heard on the show Castle :P). They are grey (gray) and lovely. I got them for my trip to the UK. See the thing is I love chucks, I've only owned 3 pairs but I wear them till they are falling to bits and I form quite an attachment to them and, as with most things I form an attachment to (car, camera, computer, future pets, hiking boots) I like to name them (respectively, Action, Benjamin, Ty Cobb, Rumples McTavish, Brad and Roger). My first pair--bright green low tops were named Nick and Lindsey after 2 characters from the awesome-but-short-lived show Freaks and Geeks. My second pair were black hightops with blue interior/stitching named Dan and Casey after 2 characters from the also-awesome-but-short-lived show Sports Night. So now you have a little background into how much thought I put into these names..so here are some ideas I have on what I should christen this new pair. I think it should be something British in honor of my trip. Specifically something Doctor Who-ish, especially because The 10th Doctor is pretty iconic in his wearing of chucks. But I don't know if I can, in all good faith, name my shoe The Doctor... So here are some choices:

Doctor Who:
Rose and Donna (my favorite companions)
David and Christopher (my favorite actors to play the Doctor)
Nine and Ten (my favorite, okay let's be truthful, my only Doctors)

any other ideas?

Captain Jack and Rose
Nicola- Algernon and Bunbury (or something else fussy and very english) St. John?


Becky Jean said...

Lol. Nice. I'm a big fan of Capt. Jack. So I'd want to throw in Jack (or John) as some options.

Then again, I think Martha has been my fave companion, so take my suggestion for what it's worth :)

Unknown said...

I like the idea of something ridiculously, pompously English. First name I thought of was Bartholemew. Then because I just read Brideshead Revisited I thought Charles (classic), Bridey/Brideshead, Celia.. haha. Ohh or Oscar Wilde names like Algernon and Bunbury?!

Anonymous said...

Okay, if you're going with Torchwood, I suggest Juanto and Reese. :)

And DrDonna & PM Harriet Jones.

Those last two are long names, but so good. :)